Wheat Fields on Fire: art by Lesia Korol, and What it Takes to Stay Wild: A story by Die Booth The second public post featuring content from the August 2022 issue of Worlds of Possibility.
Bidaai ki Chicken Curry: a story by Keyan Bowes Bidaai ki Chicken Curry, a science fiction flash story by Keyan Bowes
Transcript for Bidaii ki Chicken Curry: a story by Keyan Bowes Podcast transcript featuring Keyan Bowes reading her story and answering questions about it.
Worlds of Possibility: August 2022 Issue The August Issue of Worlds of Possibility in ebook and PDF formats now free for everyone.
News and Notes, August 2022 Dream Foundry Contests, a class I'm currently taking that you can take too, and news about Worlds of Possibility.
After These Messages: Canadian Commercials with Kelly Kelly is back with the Can Con and now our podcast contains 300% more Canadian theme parks!
Transcript for After These Messages: Canadian Commercials with Kelly To listen to this episode and see the commercials we watched, visit the main episode page. Geoffrey Welcome to this is why we're like this: after these messages, part 2 of our country bears jamboree jamboree, or I guess since the movie was called the country bears, This