The Country Bears with Kelly This is a movie that is supposedly based on the Disney parks animatronic show, The Country Bear Jamboree. But … uh …
Transcript for The Country Bears with Kelly For the episode and show notes, visit Geoffrey Welcome to this is why we're like this the podcast where we talk about lying to children for their entire lives better head Dis track country music freestyle battles. And the movies and TV shows that
Izzy Wasserstein talks about All the Hometowns You Can't Stay Away From Izzy Wasserstein joins me to talk about her new short story collection, All the Hometowns You Can't Stay Away From.
After These Messages: Thingmaker with Chia and Dan Chia and Dan talk commercials of their childhoods, including the Creepy Crawlers Thingmaker by Mattel, which Dan tells us led directly to him having a career in special effects!
Transcript for After These Messages: Thingmaker with Chia and Dan Show notes with links to the commercials and the audio version of this episode. Julia Welcome to This Is Why We're Like This: After These Messages, where we talk about the possibility of maiming, dismembering, and otherwise hurting children. I'm your host, Julia Rios. Geoffrey I&
Bridge to Elsewhere is here for everyone! Bridge to Elsewhere, the exciting anthology of stories set on spaceships that I co-edited with Alana Joli Abbott, is officially available for everyone today!
The Book You Find When You Really Can't Afford to Get Pregnant: A story by Jeana Jorgensen "The Book You Find When You Really Can't Afford to Get Pregnant" by Jeana Jorgensen, a gorgeous story about information, healthcare, and bodily autonomy.