October Podcast Month: On Adaptations and the New Version of Rebecca
I just watched the new version of Rebecca on Netflix, and it got me thinking a lot about adaptations.

I just watched the new version of Rebecca on Netflix, and it got me thinking a lot about adaptations. I personally love them! I love seeing different versions of stories I love. I talk a little about Rebecca in this, but I don’t give away the plot, so if you absolutely don’t want to hear spoilers, this should still be okay.
Listen to "October Podcast Month: On Adaptations and the New Version of Rebecca" on Spreaker.I do love a creepy gothic house story, though! How about you?
How do you feel about adaptations? Love them? Hate them? Have you watched the new Rebecca? Do you plan to? What about Bly Manor (which is an adaptation of The Turn of the Screw)?